UPDATED 8/17/2024
Working at making a significant herd reduction. This obviously is not easy for me, since its taking me so long to make decisions. I truly love each and every one of my goats. But I am only one person and I find myself a bit overwhelmed. Excellent homes are a must for these special Doe's and Bucks!!
Those who have already placed reservations will still be notified first of availability. Please look over my website, if you see a goat that you would like to be on the list for, in case they will be offered, just send me an email or PM on Face Book.

Discounts available on multiple purchases! Deposits and payments are non-refundable!!!
Please scroll down to the bottom of this page to read our Sales Policy
Add us on Facebook as most of our goats sell quickly there before they ever reach the website!
Click the icon below

Senior Doe's

Check out the doe page for availability

jr. Doe's & Doelings

Check out the Doe's 2 page for availability

Senior Bucks

Check out the Buck page for availability

Junior Bucks

Check out the Buck page for availability


wethers & Pets
Please email me if you are interested! rivendellminis@hughes.net

Prices/Sales Info:
First and most important, please do not get offended by my questioning. It is very important that my goats go to excellent knowledgeable homes. This does not mean I will not sell to someone new to them as long as I feel you have done your research and can give my goats a great home. My animals mean the world to me, I have vowed to do my best to make sure their future homes are suitable..
All does & in-tact bucks will be sold with American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA) registration paperwork unless noted otherwise. AGS applications will also be provided when applicable.
Buck kids born that are to my standards of breeding quality will be available as in-tact bucks. If no reservations are pending they may then be offered as wethers (castrated bucks) for pets/companion animals. A deposit will reserve your already born buckling until weaning at 10/12 weeks of age. I require half down of the total price as a deposit. Deposits are non-refundable. An additional $10/week will be charged for each week after weaning that the goat isn't picked up & brought to it's new home, unless prior arrangements are made.
Wether (castrated bucks) prices: $100 each--Discounts on multiple wether purchases.
A deposit will reserve your already born doeling or adult doe until weaning time when kids are 10/12 weeks of age. I require half down of the total price, deposits are non-refundable. An additional $10/week will be charged for each week after weaning that the goat isn't picked up & brought to its new home, unless prior arrangements are made.
All kids will be disbudded within the first 2 weeks of life (horn buds burned off). Even though the goats are disbudded, occasionally--especially with the bucks--they can develop scurs & sometimes a horn can even still grow. We can not guarantee 100% that there won't be growth but we will do our best to prevent it. We de-worm only if needed. A fecal is always ran first.
Buyer will be responsible for any travel expenses including paperwork needed (health certificate, etc..). Goats are expected to be picked up or transported in a timely manner. Goats have 30 days before board will be charged at a rate of $20 per week (per adult), unless prior arrangements have been made. I am willing to work with transporters schedules within a reasonable time frame. When goats leave seller’s farm they are the sole responsibility of the Buyer. Goats are being bought “as is”. All deposits/monies are non-refundable.
(We decided to not test for CL being we have never had an abscess on the farm and all animals tested clean previously. I discussed this choice with my veterinarian and she too felt confident that no testing should be required. When you have as many goats as we do you have to save money where you can. I am more then willing to test any of our goats for CL before being purchased.)
All new goats are quarantined upon arrival to make sure they are healthy before being introduced to our herd.
We make it a point to purchase our goats from farms that have tested negative for CAE, CL and Johne's. On the rare occasion a newly purchased adult goat has not been tested for the above diseases, that will be done before they are released from quarantine.
The majority of our goats have also tested TB and Brucellosis free.