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Check out all pages for available goats!
Due dates starting February!!
Come join us in experiencing the miracle of birth!!
Click on the doe's pictures below to see their name. Some of the doe's and bucks do not have updated pictures. I will do my best to get better ones shortly.

Cedar View Quintilian *B
(Click on each picture for name.)

Does were put in with Quint 9/20/21.

Gabhran Creek Shelby


Prairie Wood One Hot Mama

Cu At Lil Red Barn Tessarion

Cu At Lil Red Barn Dreamfyre

Cu At Lil Red Barn Saphira

Sand Stone Ridge LM CherryBomb

MT Rivendells Sparkling Cider

MT Rivendells SSR She Da Bomb

MT Rivendells SF Kayda

AH Farm BB Memphis Minnie

Old mountian farm toru quinn

(Click on each picture for name.)


Cu At Lil Red Barn Lost Ticket




Cu At Lil red barn ticket 2 persia *B
(Click on each picture for name.)

2*M CU At Lil Red Barn Ding Dong

MT Rivendells SB Morwenna

MT Rivendells TQ Missandei

MT Rivendells BJ Phaedre

MT Rivendells AV Shireen

Sand Stone Ridge The Aviator *B

(Click on each picture for name.)

MT Rivendells SB Khaleesi

Sand Stone Ridge MH Persephone

Cabin Creek Minis Miss Priss

MT Rivendells QT Pie

MT Rivendells AF Maisie

MT Rivendells AF Nymeria

MT Rivendells RP Lady Brienne

MT Rivendells T2P Morocco *B

(Click on each picture for name.)

SG Sand Stone Ridge Constelation 2*M

Sand Stone Ridge P Imagination 2*M

Sand Stone Ridge P Premonition 2*M

MT Rivendells SSR Analise

MT Rivendells SSR Jocasta

MT Rivendells SSR Inverness

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